- Zenda S, Arai Y, Sugawara S, Inaba Y, Hashimoto K, Yamamoto K, Saigusa Y, Kawaguchi T, Shimada S, Yokoyama M, Miyaji T, Okano T, Nakamura N, Kobayashi E, Takagi T, Matsumoto Y, Uchitomi Y, Sone M and for the J-SUPPORT 1903, PALEM Trial : Protocol for a confirmatory trial of the effectiveness and safety of palliative arterial embolization for painful bone metastases. Zenda et al.BMC Cancer, 23:109, 2023
- Ikeda M, Yamashita T, Ogasawara S, Kudo M, Inaba Y, Morimoto M, Tsuchiya K, Shimizu S, Kojima Y, Hiraoka A, Nouso K, Aikata H, Numata K, Sato T, Okusaka T, Furuse J : Multicenter phase II trial of Lenvatinib plus hepatic intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy with cisplatin for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma;LEOPARD. Liver Cancer, DOI:10.1159/000531820, July 7, 2023
- Komori K, Tanaka T, Inaba Y, Kinoshita T, Sato Y, Ouchi A, Ito S, Abe T, Misawa K, Ito Y, Natsume S, Higaki E, Asano T, Okuno M, Fujieda H, Akaza T, Saito H, Narita K, Kitahara T, Hanazawa T, Ojio H, Negita M, Shimizu Y : Novel ureteral stent catheterization technique for treating hyperchloremic metablic acidosis after ytotal pelvic exenteration. Anticancer Research 43;5149-5153, 2023
- 長谷川貴章,清水秀年,茶谷祥平,村田慎一,服部寿史,稲葉吉隆:CT透視化治療における術者の水晶体被ばくに対する放射線防護器具使用の影響.日本診療放射線技師会誌 11 Vol.70/No.854 , 2023
- 佐藤洋造,稲葉吉隆,村田慎一,長谷川貴章:癌緩和治療・動注化学療法.臨床放射線 Vol.68 No.13,1441-1446, 2023
- Kurita Y, Hara K, Kobayashi N, Kuwahara T, Mizuno N, Okuno N, Haba S, Yagi S, Hasegawa S, Sato T, Hosono K, Endo I, Shimizu Y, Niwa Y, Utsunomiya D, Inaba Y, Nakajima A, Kubota K, Ichikawa Y : Detection rate of endoscopic ultrasound and computed tomography in diagnosing pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms including small lesions:A multicenter study , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 1-10, 2022
- Matsui T, Takahashi Y, Nakada T, Hasegawa T, Sato Y, Inaba Y, Haneda H, Okuda K, Nakanishi R, Kuroda H : Preoperative percutaneous needle indigo carmine and lipiodol mixture marking in lung segmentectomy. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2;62(4):ezac432, Sep 2022
- Sato Y, Matsueda K, Osawa M, Inaba Y, Takahashi Y, Inoue Y, Oba A, Fukunaga Y, Shimizu Y : Interventional management for postoperative arterial bleeding in gastrointestinal surgery. International Journal of Gastrointestinal Intervention, 11;179-185, 2022
- Hasegawa T, Takaki H, Kodama H, Matsuo K, Yamanaka T, Nakatsuka A, Takao M, Gobara H, Hayashi S, Inaba Y, Yamakado K : Impact of the ablative margin on local tumor progression after radiofrequency ablation for lung metastases from colorectal carcinoma ; supplementary analysis of a phaseⅡtrial(MLCSG-0802). J Vasc Interv Radiol, Jan;34(1):31-37.el, 2023
- Furuse J, Izumi N, Motomura K, Inaba Y, Katamura Y, Kondo Y, Yabushita K, Motoyoshi K, Kudo M : Safety and effectiveness of Lenvatinib in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in real-world clinical practice;An observational post-marketing study in Japan. Pablished online 05 Jan 2023
- Kato N, Kudo M, Tsuchiya K, Hagihara A, Numata K, Aikata H, Inaba Y, Kondo S, Motomura K, Okano N, Ikeda M, Morimoto M, Kuroda S, Kimura A : Cabozantinib in Japanese patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma;final results a multicenter phase Ⅱstudy. Hepatol Res 05 Jan 2023
- 長谷川貴章,高木治行:1.Interventional radiology 3)アブレーション.外科84巻8号,南江堂,840-844,2022
- 稲葉吉隆,長谷川貴章:骨転移診療ガイドライン改定第2版,南江堂,2022
- Inaba Y, Sato Y, Yamaura H, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Chatani S, Kato M, Onaya H, Shimizu Y : Percutaneous Transjejunal Pancreatic Duct Drainage for Delayed Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, 2021
- Hasegawa T, Kuroda H, Sakakura N, Sato Y, Chatani S, Murata S, Yamaura H, Nakada T, Oya Y, Inaba Y : Novel strategy to treat lung metastases;Hybrid therapy involving surgery and radiofrequency ablation. Thoracic Cancer, 12(14),2085-2092, 2021
- Sato Y, Chatani S, Hasegawa T, Murata S, Inaba Y : Techniques for percutaneous transesophageal gastrotubing. Int J Gastrointestinal Interv, 10;49-53, 2021
- Chatani S, Sato Y, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Tsukii R, Nagasawa K, Machida M, Yoshihara T, Yamaura H, Hanai N, Matsuo K, Inaba Y : Transarterial Embolization for Bleeding in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer:Who Benefits? . Laryngoscope, Nov,131(11);E2777-2783, 2021
- Hasegawa T, Inaba Y : Effects of radioprotective equipment on radiation exposure to the eye lens of the operator during CT fluoroscopy-guided procedures, 2021
- Yoshihara T, Hasegawa T : Clinical outcomes of radiofrequency ablation combined with trans-arterial embolization using degradable starch microsphere for the treatment of liver tumors other than hepatocellular carcinoma, 2021
- Chatani S, Sato Y, Okuno N, Hasegawa T, Murata S, Yamaura H, Hara K, Shimizu Y, Inaba Y : Percutaneous transsplenic obliteration of ectopic varices following pancreaticoduodenectomy with portal vein resection and splenic vein ligation. Int J Gastrointest Interv ,10;77-80, 2021
- Inaba Y, Hijioka S, Iwama I, Asai T, Miyamura H, Chatani S, Hasegawa T, Murata S, Kato M, Sato Y, Yamaura H, Onaya H, Shimizu J, Hara K : Clinical usefulness of Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy in the Diagnosis of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms. Asia Oceania Jounal of Nuclear and Biology, 10(1):1-13, 2022
- 稲葉吉隆、女屋博昭、編:がんCT画像読影のひきだし,医学書院,2022
- Sato Y, Inaba Y, Aramaki T, Sone M, Morita Y, Nishiofuku H, Tanaka T, Miyazaki M, Matsueda K, Arai Y : Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy of 5-Fluorouracil for Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer Refractory to Standard Systemic Chemotherapy;A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Oncology, 2020
- Umakoshi N, Arai Y, Inaba Y, Sone M, Sugawara S, Itoh C, Hasegawa T, Onishi Y : Transhepatic Placement of Metallic Biliary Stent for Internal Drainage of Persistent Liver Abscesses. J Vasc Interv Radiol, Vol.31 No.6, 1000-1004, 2020
- Hasegawa T, Kuroda H, Chatani S, Furuya Y, Sato Y, Iwamasa H, Asai T, Yashiro H, Matsushima S, Inaba Y : Comparison of radiopaque dye materials for localization of pulmonary nodules before video-assisted thoracic surgery . Journal of Thoracic Disease Vol.12 No.5,2070-2076, 2020
- Kawada H, Sato Y, Inaba Y, Yamaura H, Kato M, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Ogura Y : Stenting Using the Rendezvous Technique for Postoperative Ureteral Complications in Cancer Patients. Cardio Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 2020
- Hasegawa T, Sato Y, Kuroda H, Chatani S, Murata S, Yamaura H, Kato M, Onaya H, Inaba Y : Clinical Outcomes and Techniques for Radiofrequency Ablation of Lung Tumors Smaller than 1 cm. Interventional Radiology Vol.5 No.2,94-102, 2020
- Sato Y, Hasegawa T, Chatani S, Murata S, Inaba Y : Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for Liver Tumors:Technical Tips . Interventional Radiology Vol.5 No.2,50-57, 2020
- Hasegawa T, Takaki H, Kodama H, Yamanaka T, Takao M, Inaba Y, Yamakado K : Reply to Pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer(PulMicc);a randomized controlled trial.
- Sato Y, Hara K, Okuno N, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Morinaga H, Kimbara Y, Imai Y, Yamaura H, Inaba Y : Endoscopic necrosectomy through a self-expandable metallic stent placed percutaneously for walled-off pancreatic necrosis. International Journal of Gastrointestinal Intervention 2020;9:128-131
- Onishi S, Tajika M, Tanaka T, Yamada K, Abe T, Higaki E, Hosoi T, Inaba Y, Muro K, Shimizu M, Niwa Y : Prognostic Impact of Sarcopenic Obesity after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Surgery in Elderly Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020,9,2974
- Kawada H, Sato Y, Inaba Y, Yamaura H, Kato M, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Ogura Y : Stenting Using the Rendezvous Technique for Postoperative Ureteral Complications in Cancer Patients. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology Vol.43 No.10, 1486-1491, 2020
- Shimohira M, Sato Y, Yasumoto T, Kodama Y, Masada T, Inaba Y, Yamakado K : Arterial embolization using microspheres for hypervascular liver metastases refractory to standard treatments:A multicenter prospective linical trial. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, October, 2020
- Sato Y, Chatani S, Hasegawa T, Murata S, Kuwahara T, Hara K, Shimizu Y, Inaba Y : Percutaneous metallic stent placement for malignant afferent loop syndrome via the blind end of the jejunal limb after biliary reconstruction. Int J Gastrointest Interv 2021 10(1),23-27
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- Chatani S, Sato Y, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Yamaura H, Natsume S, Senda Y, Shimazu Y, Inaba Y : Percutaneous Drainage via the Blind End of the Jejunal Libb for Biliary Leakage After Pancreaticoduodenectomy . Cadiovasc Intervent Radiol, 2020 Oct, 43(10), 1561-1563
- Chatani S, Hasegawa T, Kato S, Murata S, Sato Y, Yamaura H, Yamamoto K, Yatabe Y, Inaba Y : Image-guided core needle biopsy in the diagnosis of malignanto Iymphoma;comparison with surgical excision biopsy . Eur J Radiol, 2020 Jan, 127, 108990
- Chatani S, Inaba Y, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Sato Y, Yamaura H, Onishi S, Ouchi A, Komori K : Submucosal Tunnel Formation as a Complication Caused by Long Intestinal Tube Insertion;A Case Report . Interventional Radiology 2020;5(3), 141-144
- Kagawa Y, Furuta H, Uemura T, Watanabe N, Shimizu J, Horio Y, Kuroda H, Inaba Y, Kodaira T, Masago K, Fujita S, Niimi A, Hida T : Efficacy of local therapy for oligoprogressive disease after programmed cell death 1blockade in advanced non-small cell lung cancer . Cancer Sci, 2020 Dec,111(12), 4442-4452
- Kudo M, Tsuchiya K, Kato N, Hagihara A, Numata K, Aikata H, Inaba Y, Kondo S, Motomura K, Furuse J, Ikeda M, Morimoto M, Achira M, Kuroda S, Kimura A : Cabozantinib in Japanese patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma;a phase 2multicenter study. J Gastroenterol, 2021 Feb, 56(2), 181-190
- Onishi S, Tajika M, Tanaka T, Yamada K, Abe T, Higaki E, Hosoi T, Inaba Y, Muro K, Shimizu M, Niwa Y : Prognostic Impact of Sarcopenic Obesity after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Surgery in Elderly Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma . J Clin Med, 2020 Sep, 15;9(9), 2974
- Onishi Y, Yoshioka T, Arai Y, Inaba Y, Saito H, Aramaki T, Anai H, Sone M : Randomized Controlled Study to Compare Uncovered Stent Versus Covered Stent as Percutaneous Endoprosthesis for Malignant Biliary Obstruction(JIVROSG-0207) . Am J Clin Med , 2020 Nov, 43(11), 784-787
- Sato Y, Chatani S, Hasegawa T, Murata S, Inaba Y : Techniques for percutaneous transesophageal gastrotubing . Int J Gastrointest Interv , 2021;10, (2),49-53
- Chatani S, Sato Y, Okuno N, Hasegawa T, Murata S, Yamaura H, Hara K, Shimizu Y, Inaba Y : Percutaneous transsplenic obliteration of ectopic varices following pancreaticoduodenectomy with portal vein resection and splenic vein ligation . Int J Gastrointest Interv , 2021;10, (2),77-80
- 佐藤洋造,長谷川貴章,村田慎一,稲葉吉隆:適応疾患・病態と手技 急性胆嚢炎に対するNon-vascular IVR.救急医学44(4),420-425,2020
- 村田慎一,茶谷祥平,佐藤洋造,稲葉吉隆:肝細胞がん3)肝動脈化学塞栓療法.THE GI FOREFRONT 16(2),54-58,2020
- 村田慎一,稲葉吉隆:中心静脈ポートの留置と管理.臨床外科76(2),149-153,2021
- 前田章光,稲葉吉隆,保坂彰子,長谷川貴章,長谷川彩子,稲熊一英,梶田正樹:エピルビシンを用いた肝動脈化学塞栓療法実施時における抗がん剤曝露調査.日本病院薬剤師会雑誌56(12),1458-1463,2020
- 佐藤洋造,茶谷祥平,長谷川貴章,村田慎一,稲葉吉隆:Medical Oncologistが知っておくべき肝胆膵領域における緩和的IVR.腫瘍内科27 (2), 233-238, 2021
- 稲葉吉隆,村田慎一,前田章光:IVRに必要な基礎知識 動注抗がん剤.IVRのすべて,メジカルビュー社,63-67,2021
- 佐藤洋造,稲葉吉隆:肝悪性腫瘍に対する経動脈治療 転移性肝がん(TACE).IVRのすべて,メジカルビュー社,90-95,2021
- 稲葉吉隆,佐藤洋造:肝悪性腫瘍に対する経動脈治療 肝動注リザーバー.IVRのすべて,メジカルビュー社,96-102,2021
- Hasegawa T, Inaba Y, Takahashi M, Chatani S, Dejima I, Tsukamoto H, Murata S, Kato M, Yamaura H, Onaya H : Pseudoaneurysm formation and hemobilia as late complications after transarterial chemoembolization and radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma . Interventional Radiology 4, 32-35, 2019
- Imai Y, Hasegawa T, Sato Y, Yamaura H, Murata S, Kato M, Hara K, Nitta N, Inaba Y : Management of acute cholecystitis after biliary stenting for malignant obstruction; comparison of percutaneous gallbladder drainage and aspiration . Japanese Journal of Radiology 37,719-726, September , 2019
- Takahashi M, Sato Y, Hara K, Okuno N, Dejima I, Murata S, Hasegawa T, Chatani S, Onaya H, Inaba Y : Stent-graft placement for treatment of massive hemobilia caused by porto-biliary fistula . International Journal Gastrointestinal Intervention 8, 168-170, 2019
- Yamashita T, Kudo M, Ikeda K, Izumi N, Tateishi R, Ikeda M, Aikata H, Kawaguchi Y, Wada Y, Numata K, Inaba Y, Kuromatsu R, Kobayashi M, Okusaka T, Kitamura C, Saito K, Haruna K, Okita K, Kumada H : REFLECT-a phase 3 trial comparing efficacy and safety of lenvatinib to sorafenib for the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma;an analysis of Japanese subset. Journal of Gastroenterology 55,113-122,2020
- Horio Y, Mizuno T, Sakao Y, Inaba Y, Yatabe Y, Hida T : Successful salvage surgery following multimodal therapy in a patient who harboured ALK-rearranged advanced lung adenocarcinoma with multiple organ metastases . Respirology Case Reports 7,e00451,2019
- Onishi S, Tajika M, Tanaka T, Hirayama Y, Hara K, Mizuno N, Kuwahara T, Okuno N, Inaba Y, Kodaira T, Abe T, Muro K, Shimizu M, Niwa Y : Prognostic significance of sarcopenia in patients with unresectable advanced esophageal cancer . Journal of Clinical Medicine 8,1647, 2019
- Hidaka H, Izumi N, Aramaki T, Inaba Y, Imanaka K, Okusaka T, Kanazawa S, Kaneko S, Kora S, Saito H, Furuse J, Matsui O, Yamashita T, Yokosuka O, Morita S, Arioka H, Kudo M, Arai Y : Subgroup analysis of efficacy and safety of orantinib in combination with TACE in Japanese HCC patients in a randomized phase lll trial (ORIENTAL) . Medical Oncology 36,52, 2019
- Hasegawa T, Takaki H, Kodama H, Yamanaka T, Nakatsuka A, Sato Y, Takao M, Katayama Y, Fukai I, Kato T, Tokui T, Tempaku H, Adachi K, Matsushima Y, Inaba Y, Yamakado K : Three-year survivaln rate after radiofrequency ablation for surgically resectable colorectal rung metastases. Radiology 294 ,686-695, 2020
- Gotohda N, Nomura S, Doi M, Karasawa K, Ohki T, Shimizu Y, Inaba Y, Takeda A, Takaki H, Anai H, Ikeda M, Sugimoto M, Akimoto T : Clinical impact of radiofrequency ablation and stereotactic body radiation therapy for colorectal liver metastasis as local therapies for elderly,vulnerable patients. An Open Access Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2020,1-7,2020
- 村田慎一,佐藤洋造,長谷川貴章,高橋大雄,茶谷祥平,塚本裕一,出嶋育朗,加藤弥菜,山浦秀和,女屋博昭,古田裕美,樋田豊明,谷田部恭:肺癌における画像誘導下経皮的生検の有用性についての検討.映像情報Medical 51,58-59,2019
- 村田慎一,今井勇伍,佐藤洋造,稲葉吉隆:管腔臓器の拡張 尿管拡張の識別.画像診断39(11) 増刊号 救急疾患の鑑別診断のポイント,A84-87,2019
- 村田慎一,今井勇伍,佐藤洋造,稲葉吉隆:脂肪織濃度上昇 腎周囲の脂肪織濃度上昇の鑑別.画像診断39(11) 増刊号 救急疾患の鑑別診断のポイント,A120-123,2019
- 稲葉吉隆,佐藤洋造:進化する肝細胞癌の薬物療法-2019 Update(Part2)TACEと分子標的治療薬の併用療法の臨床試験 これまでのnegative試験の総括.肝胆膵 79 ,433-437,2019
- 佐藤洋造,稲葉吉隆,清水泰博:特殊な治療手技 CTガイド下ドレナージ.臨床外科74(11) 増刊号 すぐに使える周術期管理マニュアル, 332-335,2019
- 長谷川貴章,山中隆嗣,山門享一郎:ラジオ波焼灼術・経皮的凍結治療を考慮する患者とは?その成績は?.臨床腫瘍プラクティス,233-236,2019
- 稲生真夕,村田慎一:急性咽頭蓋炎.浦添ER診療ガイドブック.中外医学社,22-25,2019
- 稲森大治,村田慎一:アナフィラキシー.浦添ER診療ガイドブック.中外医学社,26-29,2019
- 稲葉吉隆,佐藤洋造:肝動注リザーバー療法に関するガイドライン.クリニシアン66 (676) ,102-112,2019
- 村田慎一,稲葉吉隆,佐藤洋造,長谷川貴章,茶谷祥平,山浦秀和:腫瘍遺伝子検査のための画像下生検.臨床放射線 65(2),103-109,2020